AllForUtility Portal

Your versatile solution

AllForUtility web portal and mobile application smartly and functionally integrates multiple useful applications, while achieving a high level of user satisfaction with various functions. The platform can integrate multiple useful applications, while combining all data into a unified and elegant solution.


Comprehensive solution at your fingertips

The list of features is extensive, including spending reporting, bill review, payment history, spending review, price list, and additional services.

The portal allows entering the current consumption for further detailed analysis. It is also possible to add an email and telephone number for "census period" newsletters. You can compare monthly or annual reports and actual and projected consumption.

Have an overview of the monthly payment balance record in the individual's profile from when the invoices were issued. The information you have listed in a specific view is month, invoice number, invoice date, due date, summary, available amount, balance, and attachment in PDF format.

For when you need a quick repair in your home. Send the application form and a description of the problem, and the portal will automatically provide you with the contact of the most suitable specialist for this problem.

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